To most people memorabilia is just a business, for us, this is a passion, a love. Every item we produce, whether a limited edition or a one off custom frame is produced with the care attention that has been given for years to our very own personal collections.

We don’t just “frame” your memorabilia, we take care in creating a masterpiece of art.

Before we frame any item we sit down and discuss your needs, wants and desires for your special item. Every care is taken to detail and attention to ensure your item is a masterpiece of work hanging in your lounge, boardroom or office. We take the time to explain the various materials, finishes and products available to best suit your requirements.

Whether you are framing a photo, jersey, car part, sports equipment or medals, Z Motorsport Memorabilia can turn your item into something truly unique. Our aim is your satisfaction.


We specialise in all of your custom framing needs.

1/37 Hamilton Street, Gisborne VIC    |